Eine Million Menschen demonstrieren in Santiago de Chile
#Santiago right now. Protestors are asking for #Piñera's resignation and for him to be arrested #Chile #ChileDespierto https://t.co/DWZm6VyDxU
— nonouzi (@Gerrrty) October 25, 2019
Impressive rally for people’ social rights in #Chile at this moment, in the 12th day of mass protests.
This is Plaza Italia, downtown Santiago. #ChileDespertó pic.twitter.com/ZXkmCHKdYY
— lobo (@thewolfreports) October 25, 2019
Historic moment! More than one million people on the streets of Santiago, Chile protesting right now
#Chiledesperto pic.twitter.com/5OhmOEvJdy
— Benjamin Alvarez (@BenjAlvarez1) October 25, 2019