Internationale Fortschrittliche Bewegung
Internationale progressive Bewegung
Anarkismo is the product of international co-operation between anarchist organizations and individuals who agree with our Editorial Statement (see below). It is intended to further communication, discussion and debate within the global anarchist movement. Our intention is to build this site into a resource that is truly global and multilingual.
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19. August 2019
Atheist Alliance International
AAI is a global federation of atheist groups and individuals committed to educating its members and the public about atheism, secularism and related issues
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13. August 2024
International Peace Bureau – IPB
The IPB is dedicated to the vision of a World Without War. Our 300 member organisations in 70 countries, together with individual members, form a global network, bringing together knowledge and campaigning experience in a common cause.
19. August 2019
PBI – Peace Brigades International
For 35 years, we have worked at local, regional and international levels to protect human rights defenders and communities whose lives and work are threatened by violence.
19. August 2019
WIDF – Women’s International Democratic Federation
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19. August 2019
WILPF – Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
We see patriarchy, militarism, and neoliberalism as three inter-related causes that push us all towards more conflict. The antidote is feminism.
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19. August 2019
WPC – World Peace Council
The WPC is an anti-imperialist, democratic, independent and non-aligned international movement of mass action. It is an integral part of the world peace movement and acts in cooperation with other international and national movements. The WPC is the largest International Peace structure, based in more than 100 countries.
19. August 2019