22. Januar 2025

LIVE: Bauernprotest / Marcha lenta de agricultores – Sao Miguel Island Azores, Portugal 08.02.2024

demonstration_live, 8. February 2024:

The protest, organized by the São Miguel Farmers‘ Civic Movement, will begin in the parish of Arrifes, in the municipality of Ponta Delgada.
The movement’s spokesman, Fernando Mota, told the Lusa news agency that „a few hundred farmers“ are expected to take part, with their vehicles and tractors.
The slow march, which will take in Ponta Delgada – Lagoa – Ribeira Grande, will end at the São Miguel Agricultural Association (in Santana, Rabo de Peixe, Ribeira Grande municipality), where the farmers intend to hand in the manifesto with their demands.
Fernando Mota told Lusa that the initiative is a way for São Miguel farmers to demand solutions to their discontent.

O protesto, organizado pelo Movimento Cívico de Agricultores de São Miguel, terá início na freguesia dos Arrifes, no concelho de Ponta Delgada.
O porta-voz do movimento, Fernando Mota, disse à agência Lusa que são esperadas na concentração “algumas centenas de agricultores”, que participam com as suas viaturas e com os seus tratores.
A marcha lenta, com o percurso Ponta Delgada – Lagoa – Ribeira Grande, terminará na Associação Agrícola de São Miguel (em Santana, Rabo de Peixe, concelho de Ribeira Grande), onde os agricultores tencionam entregar o manifesto com as suas reivindicações.
Fernando Mota disse à Lusa que a iniciativa é uma forma de os agricultores micaelenses reivindicarem soluções para o seu descontentamento.

Der von der Bürgerbewegung der Landwirte von São Miguel organisierte Protest wird in der Gemeinde Arrifes in der Gemeinde Ponta Delgada beginnen.
Der Sprecher der Bewegung, Fernando Mota, erklärte gegenüber der Nachrichtenagentur Lusa, dass „einige hundert Landwirte“ mit ihren Fahrzeugen und Traktoren an der Versammlung teilnehmen werden.
Der langsame Marsch, der über Ponta Delgada – Lagoa – Ribeira Grande führen wird, wird bei der Landwirtschaftsvereinigung São Miguel (in Santana, Rabo de Peixe, Gemeinde Ribeira Grande) enden, wo die Landwirte das Manifest mit ihren Forderungen abgeben wollen.
Fernando Mota erklärte gegenüber Lusa, dass die Initiative eine Möglichkeit für die Landwirte von São Miguel sei, Lösungen für ihre Unzufriedenheit zu fordern.

Island of Sao Miguel / Azores in the Atlantic Ocean in Portugal

Portugal: Police officers protest with march – Ponta Delgada, Sao Miguel, Azores – 24.01.2024

#PontaDelgada #Agricultores #farmer #desfile #Manifestação #Protest #Demonstration #Rally #Azores #Acores #Azoren #Portugal #IRL

Auf Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wetON5GUOTo

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